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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gustin Johnson <>
Date: Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 9:23 AM
Subject: Re: [Voyage-linux] Question about WLAN interface naming
To: John Schultz <>

If you are getting errors then the errors themselves might be
important, as are any related log entries.

The wifi0 device is the raw device created by the madwifi drivers,
from there you create a usable device (usually ath0 but this is
entirely arbitrary).  Check the default /etc/network/interfaces file
for an example of this (play around with wlanconfig from the CLI, try
deleting and creating various devices).  In your case the wlan0 is
likely paired (for lack of a better term) with the wifi0 device if
they have the same hwaddr (check with "ip addr") .  It sounds like one
of your wifi devices is not detected but it is tough to say without
more information.

You might want to see what modules are in fact loaded (lsmod |grep
80211).  I would also have a look at the output from lspci.

2011/7/4 John Schultz <>:
> OK,... this will most likely be a stupid question and I apologize in advance
> for that, its just that I have not figured it out yet. I tried to reinstall
> udev using apt-get and keep getting errors. What am I doing wrong?
> 2011/6/2 Kim-man 'Punky' TSE <>
>> Hi John,
>> Some rules in udev are removed when building the distribution. You can
>> reinstall udev package to bring it back.
>> Regards,
>> Punky
>> On 6/3/2011 9:27 AM, John Schultz wrote:
>> > I thought the names to the cards were stored in
>> > /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules.
>> >
>> > looks like this file does not exist on the mesh node, if that's the
>> > case, where are the associations to mac addresses
>> > stored?
>> >
>> >
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>> Regards,
>> Kim-man "Punky" Tse
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