On Thu, Jul 07, 2011 at 04:01:06PM +0300, Konstantinos Birkos wrote:
> Has anyone ever achieved to bond two WAN (3G/UMTS) connections to
> aggregate their bandwidth in the same machine that runs Voyage? I've
> seen implementations oriented at creating a router providing this
> functionality to another computer but is this possible under a
> single linux machine?

True aggregating is difficult to achieve. I have one setup running that
uses 2 OpenVPN tunnels ending on different IPs of the same OpenVPN
server and link them together with 'eql' devices. This increases the
bandwidth inside the tunnels for different connections, but a single
connection still doesn't show a benefit.
Setting it up is quite a bit of hassle as you have to tell OpenVPN the
IPs of the other tunnel are just fine inside as well as the linux
network devices to accept 'martian' packages by setting the involved
devices rp_filter to 0 in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/rp_filter.
The setup is non-trivial and you won't be rewarded with overwhelming
stability according to my experience.

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