On Wed, 4 Jan 2012, Fred wrote:

        Hello Voyage's guys,

 I've tested your nice distribution on a recycled Alix 2d3, to use it
as a small digital music player, and I'm stuck with a problem : I
planned to use an infrared remote to drive it, found a cheap one with a
linux compatible IR receiver, and tried to configure it (I don't know
well this kind of devices) with following help :


 But the given procedure doesn't work, and I found somewhere that I
should load « uinput » module, but this module isn't configured so I
can't load it :-(

 I didn't found yet the config files for rebuilding the Voyage's
kernel (is it built from a vanilla Debian kernel source, or is it
patched ?), but for a future release, could you add this module
(configuration option CONFIG_INPUT_UINPUT) in the standard Voyage's
kernel ?

        Many thanks for your nice work,

The documentation is not very good for Voyage in this mather (well it used to be in dokuwiki, but only remains as a text files), but it is quite simple to build your own kernel and modules (preferably with voyage in virtualbox with dev tools):

apt-get install linux-source-3.0.0-voyage # download source code
cd /usr/src
tar -jxf linux-source-3.0.0-voyage.tar.bz2 # extract the voyage kernel source to linux-source-3.0.0-voyage wget http://mirror.voyage.hk/download/kernel_config/config-3.0.0-voyage_10.0-1 # Downloading kernel configuration http://www.voyage.hk/download/kernel_config
cp config-3.0.0-voyage_10.0-1 linux-source-3.0.0-voyage/.config
dc linux-source-3.0.0-voyage
make menuconfig # Enable kernel module and drivers
make-kpkg –revision=“1.0” -append-to-version ”-voyage-my” linux-image –rootcmd 
fakeroot –initrd # building Debian kernel image


Adam Pribyl
Voyage-linux mailing list

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