---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Eric Spakman <espakma...@gmail.com>
Date: 2012/7/23
Subject: Re: [Voyage-linux] Status update: Daily is now Debian Wheezy +
kernel 3.4.4 + MPD 0.17
To: Kim-man 'Punky' TSE <punky...@punknix.com>
Cc: voyage-linux <voyage-linux@list.voyage.hk>

Hi Punky,

Seems to work great. One small problem though: mpd seems to be
starting before Avahi-daemon, so it isn't discoverable.
>From mpd.log: avahi: Failed to create client: daemon not running



On 20 jul. 2012, at 03:59, Kim-man 'Punky' TSE <punky...@punknix.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Voyage Linux daily build (i386) has been updated to Debian Wheezy. Kernel
build at this moment is 3.4.4. Voyage MPD daily now comes with MPD 0.17.
Please stay tuned for the latest development status!
> Start testing daily if you are going to use 0.9 in the near future.
 Daily build could be downloaded from the below links:
> Voyage Linux
> [distro] http://www.voyage.hk/download/voyage/voyage-current.tar.bz2
> [live-cd]    http://www.voyage.hk/download/ISO/voyage-current.iso
> Voyage MPD
> [distro]
> [live-cd] http://www.voyage.hk/download/voyage-mpd/voyage-mpd-current.iso
> Debian GNU/Linux wheezy/sid voyage ttyS0
     voyage login: root
> Password:
> Last login: Tue Jul 17 13:00:23 GMT 2012 on ttyS0
> Linux voyage 3.4.4-voyage #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Jun 30 23:31:07 HKT 2012 i586
     The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free
> the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
> individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
     Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
> permitted by applicable law.
> __  __
> \ \/ /___ __  __ ___  ___  ___    Useful Commands:
>  \  // _ \\ \/ /,-_ |/ _ |/ -_)     remountrw - mount disk as read-write
>   \/ \___/ \  / \___,\_  |\___|     remountro - mount disk as read-only
>           _/_/        _'_|          remove.docs - remove all docs and
>     { V o y a g e } - L i n u x
>      < http://linux.voyage.hk >   Version: 0.9 (Build Date 20120716)
> root@voyage:~# mpd --version|egrep "dff|mpd"
> mpd (MPD: Music Player Daemon) 0.17
> [dsdiff] dff
> --
> Regards,
> Kim-man "Punky" Tse
> * Open Source Embedded Solutions and Systems
>  - Voyage Linux (http://linux.voyage.hk)
>  - Voyage ONE   (http://linux.voyage.hk/voyage-one)
>  - Voyage MPD   (http://linux.voyage.hk/voyage-mpd)
> * Voyage Store   (http://store.voyage.hk)
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