I to everyone. I'm new to voyage mailing list as I had no problem to discuss, until now...

I'm recently upgraded my old voyage installation (0.6) to the last one (0.8.5) on my ALIX3D3 boad. I've immediately see a lot of improvement but also some issue appeared. One of them is very problematic as it put the machine unusable. Using the boad as router there is some time that the ethernet interfaces is on heavy load. At some point, the interfaces start to be vary "slow": the ping start to be at leas of 500ms and traffic became very slow. I'm using a 100Mbps switch and alix board and my notebook are directly connected to the switch.

Checking dmesg and cpu usage, everything seems ok, but the ethernet still be "slow", either there is no traffic at all.

If might be related, at each boot, the last ten dmesg lines are populated with "NOHZ: local_softirq_pending 08" message. I've ignored it, but I don't know what does it mean.

Rebooting the machine, the ethernet restart working as usual. In 0.6 release the issue was not present. I'm thinking to downgrade the kernel if there is no solution.

If it useful, this is the lspci output:
# lspci -n
00:01.0 0600: 1022:2080 (rev 33)
00:01.1 0300: 1022:2081
00:01.2 1010: 1022:2082
00:09.0 0200: 1106:3053 (rev 96)
00:0c.0 0200: 168c:0013 (rev 01)
00:0e.0 0280: 14e4:4318 (rev 02)
00:0f.0 0601: 1022:2090 (rev 03)
00:0f.2 0101: 1022:209a (rev 01)
00:0f.3 0401: 1022:2093 (rev 01)
00:0f.4 0c03: 1022:2094 (rev 02)
00:0f.5 0c03: 1022:2095 (rev 02)

Thanks to everyone,

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