I'm easily playing various internet radio stations over Gnome Music Player Client to the Voyage MPD 0.8.5 on my Alix.

But I was thinking, if I could get pulseaudio on my desktop (Fedora 17) to stream the audio on my desktop as an
audio stream, I could add that as a local station in GMPC.

Think of it as showing in GMPC as a local internet radio station: http://desktop.localdomain:80

I think if that works, I could select that as a sink in my desktop pulseaudio config, then play whatever it is and use GMPC to play it as an internet radio stream (the only thing unusual would be it's local and not on the internet).

That would allow any sound source like Firefox playing hulu or youtube video over to my alix and out the DAC. It's kind of round-about way to play the audio but it's a way to get the audio out over my really good MPD/DAC speakers instead of my cheap desktop speakers.

Is pulseaudio capable of that?


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