On Sat, Mar 02, 2013 at 02:40:25AM -0800, cotarelo2 wrote:
> I have the same error... The box works but this error jumps all the time and
> after few hours my rutorrent does not work...
> As it is an alix board with CF card, I don't understand why all this time I
> had / on RW and not RO... my mtab and fstab looks like this

BAd filesystems are just that. bad. You have to fix them or things will
go worse.
I suggest running e2fsck while you have the system running RO, no
services running, no other filesystems mounted except RAMdisks
afterwards reset the box, don't reboot/shutdown, just hit reset, pull
the power cord, user echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger, whatever.
As you are on a RO-system and hopefully unmounted all other filesystems
beforehand and killed all services except the ssh that brought you there
you need not to worry about the data bacause of pulling the plug.
If you instead choose to run fsck on startup, you need direct keyboard
acces+monitor or a serial connection as it very likely will ask some

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