
How to you compile new kernels? I have downloaded voyage-3.0.18 sources
modifed wireless drivers to support debugfs etc.
I compiled by my own without debian tools a kernel but initrd is not
created and I'm not able to create an initrd which works
while running voyage for an other kernel (in fact same kernel naming but
other kernel than running one)
Now I have tried to create with debian stuff*|
   |*make-kpgp clean
   fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --revision=voyge kernel_image
does give me error
  *||*fakeroot: neested operation not yet supported

So I have compiled the normal way and done after that a
  make-kpgk --initrd --append-to-version voyage
creates a debian directory en kernel sources but no *.deb packages
What is the right way to create kernel,initrd and packages?
How to you build it? I'm using orig Debian 7.1 on VirtualBox

Thanks a lot

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