Hi there,

yesterday I got my brandnew Raspberry 2 B board and immediately tried
Voyage MuBox with it. But I can't fire it up. The kernel locks upon bootup.

As other Raspberry distros are not yet suitable for the 2B (currently to
my knowledge only Raspbian), I assume we have the same topic with
voyage, too.

Most likely this is caused by the new chipset (Broadcom BCM2836 Quadcore
@900MHz vs. Broadcom BCM2835 700MHz).

Any hints on how to fix this ... or is someone possibly already working
on this issue?



Stefan U. Hegner
              * * *
D-32584 Löhne --- good ole Germany
internet: http://www.hegner-web.de
              * * *
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Stefan U. Hegner
              * * *
D-32584 Löhne --- good ole Germany

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