Hello Peter,

   On Wed, Jan 11, 2001, at 01:52 PM, you wrote:

> > 
> > There is quite a few problems with www.homail.com.
> > I've tried to use this service (my girlfriend uses it quite
> > often), but it just pops up requesters regarding javascript
> > errors and tells me that I should rather have internet ex-
> > plorer installed.
> There were no problems using Voyager to access a Hotmail ac-
> count until a short while after Microsoft bought Hotmail!  My
> son has a Hotmail address which he would regularly check when
> visiting, using my A1200 and Voyager.  Now the only satisfac-
> tory way to check his mail is with a PC.  Yet another example
> of MS's anti-competetive ways.....
> Regards
> Peter Richards

   Hmm, where to begin?  All right, let us start with a very
simple request, due to a quirk, of mine.  Please, even though so
many people and companies and organizations use "PC" to denote,
IBM clone/MS-DOS/MS Windows/Intel running computer, do not do
that while conversing in an Amiga list.  Remember, "PC" means
"Personal Computer," not Intel, MS Windows, Motorola, or IBM. 
The name for our beloved computer is, "Amiga Personal Computer."

   With that, out of the way, I will attend to the real "meat"
of what you wrote.

   Yes, there have been numerous complaints, with regard to
HotMail.  I do not use it, but, from time to time, since MS
bought it, I have heard and read that those having Netscape
Navigator (any version) could not access their account, let
alone our humble Amiga with AMosiac, Voyager, IBrowse, or AWeb. 
Later on, it appeared that certain parts were not as available
(to be viewed), unless you used MS IE.  Still, at other times,
HotMail would not allow the Amiga browsers to have access, be-
cause it would state a requirement which it could not detect in
the Amiga browsers.

   Why was and is all this?  (Here, again, I am relating some
third-hand info, but, substantiatable info.)  Several things
happened at one time.  One, HotMail converted its system to a MS
system, which required new programming, etc.  Two, they tried
complying with a MS Web page, which meant, that, if the webmaster
was not very, very cautious, XML commands could be installed
which could only be used by IE; and, depending on what was being
requested, could lockout someone, who was not using IE, from go-
ing onto the site.  Three, tons of graphic-like "garbage" was
suddenly thrown at the visitor.  IE and Navigator could handle it
because the graphics and presntation device were designed with
the Intel machine, in mind.  We Amigans would need a good grap-
hics card, a faster processor (50 Mhx and up), and more RAM than
two Chip and 16 Fast, plus a browser that was designed to handle
that.  Luckily, for Flash, Voyager does nicely, but, ....

   It all comes down to careless planning and using an operating
system and applications programs which are really only designed
to work with one physical platform and one set of programs. 
FWIW, though a Web site *can* be built, using only MS products,
where it will look great, and be viewable and accessible by all
browsers of any platform.

   As a side note, less and less webmasters are willing to allow
text-only browsers from accessing their sites.  Why, I do not

   Hope the above helps?  I know it does not make accessing
HotMail, with Voyager, any easier.  Perhaps, my explanation, at
least, makes thing, a little more understandable?  (:-))


Author of "MSH Tutorial V. 3.0".  Found on Aminet -- MSHTut30.lha

           Julian Aronowitz.  Tel.:  (718) 654-1681; 

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