
   I have but one big question, "Where are the Aminet files?"

   I tried getting to Aminet.net and Aminet.de.  The only site
with which I ended up, was WUArchive at WUSTL.  But, a dif-
ferent department is now in control and I was not able to
access the Aminet files.  That was bad enough, and, I did send
them a correspondence because of how much those files are

   As bad as that was, I have not been able to find any site
in which I can find the Aminet files.  Since the new program,
"AutoPDF," is on Aminet, for download.  And, since I wanted to
find it and use it, I went looking.  No luck at even finding a
repository for Amiga files.

   This even becomes embarrassing, as I have an Amiga file on
Aminet.  How can I tell people where they can get the file, if
no one can find the site where the find is stored?

   Can anyone help?


            Author of "MSH Tutorial V. 3.0".  
            Found on Aminet -- MSHTut30.lha

           Julian Aronowitz.  Tel.:  (718) 654-1681; 
               E-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

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