I have pushed an initial pass at a VPP Custom SELinux Policy to Gerrit for
review. Prior to the start this venture, I knew zero about SELinux, so
please let me know if you see something you don't like. That being said,
the internal Red Hat SELinux team has reviewed and blessed it. If you have
any interest, see: https://gerrit.fd.io/r/#/c/10111/

As far as I know, Debian tends not to use SELinux in favor of AppArmor. So
the SELinux Policy is currently only implemented for RPM packages,
specifically, Fedora, CentOS and RHEL. I have been in touch with Marco
regarding Suse and we will follow up with that separately.

I used the following document to keep track of notes as I implemented the
VPP Custom SELinux Policy: VPP_SELinux_FilesAndLabels
Primarily, the document lists:
* Questions raised during implementation (most of which have been answered)
* List of files added to the system by VPP and the SELinux label they were
assigned, if any.
* List of files remaining on a system once VPP was uninstalled.
* Test Cases

Below are some questions about file and socket names and directories. Most
of these are file names and directories input by the user, so it is a
question of how we document it. Some of these only matter if SELinux is
enabled, so I don't want to force a change for the non-SELinux users.
However, I would like a discussion around the directories files are place

* Scripts
The Wiki (https://wiki.fd.io/view/VPP/Command-line_Interface_(CLI)_
Guide#command_scripts) shows examples of running command scripts out of
/tmp (i.e. - vppctl exec /tmp/script). With SELinux enabled, user created
scripts out of '/tmp' and '/home/<user>/' will not execute due to
permissions. I did all my testing by moving my scripts to
'/usr/share/vpp/scripts/'. The other option is to create a '/tmp/vpp/'
directory which I can add a rule to label as 'vpp_tmp_t' (which I have not
done yet, but can do easily). Any thoughts or preferences?

* vHost Sockets
There is a lot of discussion online about location and permissions around
vhost sockets, primarily with regards to OVS. In server mode (from vSwitch
perspective), OVS settled on '/var/run/openvswitch/', and in Client Mode
(again from vSwitch perspective),
OpenStack wants '/var/lib/vhost_sockets/'. FYI - OVS is deprecating Server
mode going forward.

The Wiki and CLI Doxygen documentation for VPP show examples of vhost
sockets being created in '/tmp/'. I would like to update the documentation
to point to '/var/run/vpp/' for vhost sockets. I still have work to do on
permissions to get something like '/var/lib/vhost_sockets/' in client mode
working properly. Once again, this is purely what the documentation shows,
code doesn't care about location if SELinux is disabled.

* Log Files:
Just curious if there was any reason the default location for the log file
was '/tmp/vpp.log' and not something like '/var/log/vpp/vpp.log'?

As is, '/tmp/vpp.log' will get labeled with 'vpp_tmp_t' and works fine.
However, I also created 'vpp_log_t' along with a '/var/log/vpp/' directory
if we want to use it. By moving it, it can get labeled with vpp_var_run_t
and the correct permissions for things logrotate are set properly.

Billy McFall

*Billy McFall*
Networking Group
CTO Office
*Red Hat*
vpp-dev mailing list

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