Hi Ray,

The implementation is already prototyped as two plugins, regarding upstreaming 
it to fd.io vpp, there are the following concerns:
1. the license issue, we don't know it's acceptable the plugins contain third 
party pppd code which use different license, hope maintainer can give some 
advice about this.
2. the work effort issue, as I mentioned in the above mail, the implement may 
need more test and bug fix, currently we do not have the environment to test 
most ISP in China, hope interested user can test more and give more fix, and we 
also do not have much time to fix code currently due to our work schedule.

Later if problem 1 answered, and we have spare time, we may build plugin 
against fd.ip vpp mainline, and submit a patch to gerrit.

------------------ Original ------------------
From:  "Ray Kinsella"<m...@ashroe.eu>;
Date:  Tue, May 8, 2018 09:21 PM
To:  ""张东亚"<zhangdon...@raydonetworks.com>; "vpp-dev"<vpp-dev@lists.fd.io>; 
Cc:  "雷彦章"<leiyanzh...@raydonetworks.com>; 
Subject:  Re: [vpp-dev] Raydonetworks's implementation of pppoeclient for vpp

Hi folks,

This is good work - would you consider upstreaming as a plugin to FD.io 
VPP? Looks like you have a lot of this work done already?

Ray K

On 07/05/2018 05:55, "张东亚 wrote:
> Hi List,
> As a SDN startup(www.raydonetworks.com) in China, we have implemented 
> pppoeclient support for vpp based on opensource pppd project 
> (https://ppp.samba.org/).
> The code have been written and tested on vpp stable branch 17.10, it 
> have been tested in two cities, one is Wuhan, Hubei province, China 
> telecom ISP + China mobile ISP, the other is Suzhou, Jiangsu province, 
> China telecom ISP.
> It support lcp/ipcp/pap/chap protocol defined in the pppoe related RFCs.
> The main design breaks the pppoclient implementation to pppoeclient and 
> pppox plugin in vpp semantics, pppoeclient plugin provides api to create 
> pppoe client and pppoe encap/decap nodes, pppox plugin provides api to 
> set pppoe authentication information and node for interacting with IPv4 
> layer. More details can be discovered by looking at the code at github 
> which provided by the link below.
> To create a pppoeclient, we just need the following two CLI:
> # sw-if-index is the ethernet interface sw if index which connected to 
> the ISP modem.
> vppctl create pppoe client sw-if-index 1 host-uniq 8888
> # sw-if-index is the newly created pppox virtual interface's sw if index
> vppctl pppox set auth sw-if-index 4 username "yourusername" password 
> "yourpassword"
> Regarding the license issue, the pppd code following the original 
> author's license, the other part follow vpp's APACHE license.
> Hope this will help others which want to use pppoeclient
> The code is submitted to 
> github: https://github.com/raydonetworks/vpp-pppoeclient
> Currently we are building our product and does not have much effort to 
> porting this code to mainline, hope someone use this and may merge it to 
> the vpp mainline if possible.
> Thanks again for vpp team which provide such a gorgeous project.

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