
VCL is still under development and in the experimental phase. There are a number of known issues and it has yet to be tuned for performance (connections per second, throughput, or latency) or scale.

LDP was an early means of comparison testing the host stack .vs. the linux kernel, but there are currently no plans to enhance it any further.  The current focus is utilizing VCL directly in applications because the overhead of multiplexing VPP sessions and kernel sockets is LDP is problematic in high performance applications.

However, that being said, contributions to LDP are welcome.


On 5/29/2018 11:27 AM, Kapanen, Ville (Nokia - FI/Espoo) wrote:


I have been trying to test VPP’s potential for TCP/IP latency optimization. When I run without any special parameters (so just comparison between native-kernel, native-vcl and native-preload) it seems that preload around six times worse than kernel. I have also tried this same test with few different hardware setups. I also tried to compare LD preload to kernel performance between cloud VM’s without using the provided script and ended up getting similar results. All test are run on 18.07 (build-release).

What is the status of VCL and LD preload? Should it be working and do I miss something obvious maybe?


Ville Kapanen

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