Hi Florin,

I am using VPP 20.05 rc0 . Should I upgrade it ?

Thanks! for providing the patch, i will try it on Monday. Actually, I am
testing in a controlled environment where I can not change the VPP
libraries. I will try it on my server.

 On the UDP connection; yes, the error  EINPROGRESS was there because I am
using non-blocking connection. Now, I am ignoring this error.
 Sometime , VPP crashes when I kills my application ( not gracefully) even
when there is  a single connection .

The good part is that now I am able to move connections on different cores
by connecting it on receiving the first packet and then re-binding the
socket to listen.
Basically, this approach works but I have not tested it thoroughly. However
, I am still in favor of using the UDPC connection.

Btw, in trace logs I see some ssvm_delete related error when re-binding the

vpp# sh session verbose
Connection                                        State          Rx-f
[0:0][U] 2001:5b0:ffff:700:b883:31f:29e:9880:6677-LISTEN         0         0
Thread 0: active sessions 1

Connection                                        State          Rx-f
[1:0][U] 2001:5b0:ffff:700:b883:31f:29e:9880:6677-OPENED         0         0
Thread 1: active sessions 1

Connection                                        State          Rx-f
[2:0][U] 2001:5b0:ffff:700:b883:31f:29e:9880:6677-OPENED         0         0
Thread 2: active sessions 1
Thread 3: no sessions
Thread 4: no sessions

VCL<24434>: configured VCL debug level (2) from VCL_DEBUG!
VCL<24434>: using default heapsize 268435456 (0x10000000)
VCL<24434>: allocated VCL heap = 0x7f7f18d1b010, size 268435456 (0x10000000)
VCL<24434>: using default configuration.
vppcom_connect_to_vpp:487: vcl<24434:0>: app (udp6_rx) connecting to VPP
api (/vpe-api)...
vppcom_connect_to_vpp:502: vcl<24434:0>: app (udp6_rx) is connected to VPP!
vppcom_app_create:1200: vcl<24434:0>: sending session enable
vppcom_app_create:1208: vcl<24434:0>: sending app attach
vppcom_app_create:1217: vcl<24434:0>: app_name 'udp6_rx', my_client_index 0
vppcom_connect_to_vpp:487: vcl<24434:1>: app (udp6_rx-wrk-1) connecting to
VPP api (/vpe-api)...
vppcom_connect_to_vpp:502: vcl<24434:1>: app (udp6_rx-wrk-1) is connected
to VPP!
vcl_worker_register_with_vpp:262: vcl<24434:1>: added worker 1
vl_api_app_worker_add_del_reply_t_handler:235: vcl<94:-1>: worker 1
vpp-worker 1 added
vppcom_epoll_create:2558: vcl<24434:1>: Created vep_idx 0
vppcom_session_create:1279: vcl<24434:1>: created session 1
vppcom_session_bind:1426: vcl<24434:1>: session 1 handle 16777217: binding
to local IPv6 address 2001:5b0:ffff:700:b883:31f:29e:9880 port 6677, proto
vppcom_session_listen:1458: vcl<24434:1>: session 16777217: sending vpp
listen request...
vcl_session_bound_handler:607: vcl<24434:1>: session 1 [0x0]: listen
vppcom_epoll_ctl:2658: vcl<24434:1>: EPOLL_CTL_ADD: vep_sh 16777216, sh
16777217, events 0x1, data 0xffffffff!
 udpRxThread started!!!  ... rx port  = 6677
Waiting for a client to connect on port 6677 ...
vppcom_session_connect:1742: vcl<24434:1>: session handle 16777217
(STATE_CLOSED): connecting to peer IPv6 2001:5b0:ffff:700:b883:31f:29e:9886
port 40300 proto UDP
vppcom_epoll_ctl:2696: vcl<24434:1>: EPOLL_CTL_MOD: vep_sh 16777216, sh
16777217, events 0x2011, data 0x1000001!
vppcom_session_create:1279: vcl<24434:1>: created session 2
vppcom_session_bind:1426: vcl<24434:1>: session 2 handle 16777218: binding
to local IPv6 address 2001:5b0:ffff:700:b883:31f:29e:9880 port 6677, proto
vppcom_session_listen:1458: vcl<24434:1>: session 16777218: sending vpp
listen request...
vcl_session_app_add_segment_handler:855: vcl<24434:1>: mapped new segment
'24177-2' size 134217728
vcl_session_connected_handler:505: vcl<24434:1>: session 1 [0x100000000]
connected! rx_fifo 0x224051c80, refcnt 1, tx_fifo 0x224051b80, refcnt 1
vcl_session_app_add_segment_handler:855: vcl<24434:1>: mapped new segment
'24177-3' size 134217728
vcl_session_bound_handler:607: vcl<24434:1>: session 2 [0x0]: listen
vppcom_epoll_ctl:2658: vcl<24434:1>: EPOLL_CTL_ADD: vep_sh 16777216, sh
16777218, events 0x1, data 0xffffffff!
vcl_session_migrated_handler:674: vcl<24434:1>: Migrated 0x100000000 to
thread 2 0x200000000
 new connecton
vppcom_session_connect:1742: vcl<24434:1>: session handle 16777218
(STATE_CLOSED): connecting to peer IPv6 2001:5b0:ffff:700:b883:31f:29e:9886
port 60725 proto UDP
vppcom_epoll_ctl:2696: vcl<24434:1>: EPOLL_CTL_MOD: vep_sh 16777216, sh
16777218, events 0x2011, data 0x1000002!
vppcom_session_create:1279: vcl<24434:1>: created session 3
vppcom_session_bind:1426: vcl<24434:1>: session 3 handle 16777219: binding
to local IPv6 address 2001:5b0:ffff:700:b883:31f:29e:9880 port 6677, proto
vppcom_session_listen:1458: vcl<24434:1>: session 16777219: sending vpp
listen request...
*ssvm_delete_shm:205: unlink segment '24177-3': No such file or directory
(errno 2)*
vcl_segment_detach:467: vcl<24434:1>: detached segment 3 handle 0
vcl_session_app_del_segment_handler:863: vcl<24434:1>: Unmapped segment: 0
vcl_session_connected_handler:505: vcl<24434:1>: session 2 [0x100000000]
connected! rx_fifo 0x224051a80, refcnt 1, tx_fifo 0x224051980, refcnt 1
vcl_session_app_add_segment_handler:855: vcl<24434:1>: mapped new segment
'24177-4' size 134217728
vcl_session_bound_handler:607: vcl<24434:1>: session 3 [0x0]: listen
vppcom_epoll_ctl:2658: vcl<24434:1>: EPOLL_CTL_ADD: vep_sh 16777216, sh
16777219, events 0x1, data 0xffffffff!


On Sat, May 16, 2020 at 2:23 PM Florin Coras <fcoras.li...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Raj,
> Assuming you are trying to open more than one connected udp session, does
> this [1] solve the problem (note it's untested)?
> To reproduce legacy behavior, this allows you to listen on
> VPPCOM_PROTO_UDPC but that is now converted by vcl into a udp listen that
> propagates with a “connected” flag to vpp. That should result in a udp
> listener that behaves like an “old” udpc listener.
> Regards,
> Florin
> [1] https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/vpp/+/27111
> On May 16, 2020, at 10:56 AM, Florin Coras via lists.fd.io <
> fcoras.lists=gmail....@lists.fd.io> wrote:
> Hi Raj,
> Are you using master latest/20.05 rc1 or something older? The fact that
> you’re getting a -115 (EINPROGRESS) suggests you might’ve marked the
> connection as “non-blocking” although you created it as blocking. If that’s
> so, the return value is not an error.
> Also, how if vpp crashing? Are you by chance trying to open a lot of udp
> connections back to back?
> Regards,
> Florin
> On May 16, 2020, at 10:23 AM, Raj Kumar <raj.gauta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Florin,
> I tried to connect on receiving the first UDP packet . But, it did not
> work. I am getting error -115 in the application and VPP is crashing.
> This is something I tried in the code (udp receiver) -
> sockfd = vppcom_session_create(VPPCOM_PROTO_UDP, 0);
> rv_vpp = vppcom_session_bind (sockfd, &endpt);
> if (FD_ISSET(session_idx, &readfds))
> {
>     n = vppcom_session_recvfrom(sockfd, (char *)buffer, MAXLINE, 0,
> &client);
>     if(first_pkt)
>         rv_vpp = vppcom_session_connect (sockfd, &client);
>         //Here getting rv_vpp as -115
> }
> Please let me know if I am doing something wrong.
> Here are the traces -
> VCL<16083>: configured VCL debug level (2) from VCL_DEBUG!
> VCL<16083>: using default heapsize 268435456 (0x10000000)
> VCL<16083>: allocated VCL heap = 0x7fd255ed2010, size 268435456
> (0x10000000)
> VCL<16083>: using default configuration.
> vppcom_connect_to_vpp:487: vcl<16083:0>: app (udp6_rx) connecting to VPP
> api (/vpe-api)...
> vppcom_connect_to_vpp:502: vcl<16083:0>: app (udp6_rx) is connected to VPP!
> vppcom_app_create:1200: vcl<16083:0>: sending session enable
> vppcom_app_create:1208: vcl<16083:0>: sending app attach
> vppcom_app_create:1217: vcl<16083:0>: app_name 'udp6_rx', my_client_index
> 0 (0x0)
> vppcom_connect_to_vpp:487: vcl<16083:1>: app (udp6_rx-wrk-1) connecting to
> VPP api (/vpe-api)...
> vppcom_connect_to_vpp:502: vcl<16083:1>: app (udp6_rx-wrk-1) is connected
> to VPP!
> vl_api_app_worker_add_del_reply_t_handler:235: vcl<94:-1>: worker 1
> vpp-worker 1 added
> vcl_worker_register_with_vpp:262: vcl<16083:1>: added worker 1
> vppcom_session_create:1279: vcl<16083:1>: created session 0
> vppcom_session_bind:1426: vcl<16083:1>: session 0 handle 16777216: binding
> to local IPv6 address 2001:5b0:ffff:700:b883:31f:29e:9880 port 6677, proto
> vppcom_session_listen:1458: vcl<16083:1>: session 16777216: sending vpp
> listen request...
> vcl_session_bound_handler:607: vcl<16083:1>: session 0 [0x0]: listen
> succeeded!
> vppcom_session_connect:1742: vcl<16083:1>: session handle 16777216
> (STATE_CLOSED): connecting to peer IPv6 2001:5b0:ffff:700:b883:31f:29e:9886
> port 51190 proto UDP
>  udpRxThread started!!!  ... rx port  = 6677vppcom_session_connect()
> failed ... -115
> vcl_session_cleanup:1300: vcl<16083:1>: session 0 [0x0] closing
> vcl_worker_cleanup_cb:190: vcl<94:-1>: cleaned up worker 1
> vl_client_disconnect:309: peer unresponsive, give up
> thanks,
> -Raj
> On Fri, May 15, 2020 at 8:10 PM Florin Coras <fcoras.li...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Raj,
>> There are no explicit vcl apis that allow a udp listener to be switched
>> to connected mode. We might decide to do this at one point through a new
>> bind api (non-posix like) since we do support this for builtin
>> applications.
>> However, you now have the option of connecting a bound session. That is,
>> on the first received packet on a udp listener, you can grab the peer’s
>> address and connect it. Iperf3 in udp mode, which is part of our make test
>> infra, does exactly that. Subsequently, it re-binds the port to accept more
>> connections. Would that work for you?
>> Regards,
>> Florin
>> On May 15, 2020, at 4:06 PM, Raj Kumar <raj.gauta...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks! Florin,
>> OK, I understood that I need to change my application to use UDP socket
>> and then use vppcom_session_connect().
>> This is fine for the UDP client ( sender) .
>> But ,in  UDP Server ( receiver) , I am not sure how to use the
>> vppcom_session_connect(). .
>> I am using vppcom_session_listen() to listen on the connections and then
>> calling vppcom_session_accept() to accept a new connection.
>> With UDP*C,* I was able to utilize the RSS ( receiver side scaling)
>> feature to move the received connections on the different cores /threads.
>> Just want to confirm if I can achieve the same with UDP.
>> I will change my application and will update you about the result.
>> Thanks,
>> -Raj
>> On Fri, May 15, 2020 at 5:17 PM Florin Coras <fcoras.li...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Raj,
>>> We removed udpc transport in vpp. I’ll push a patch that removes it from
>>> vcl as well.
>>> Calling connect on a udp connection will give you connected semantics
>>> now. Let me know if that solves the issue for you.
>>> Regards,
>>> Florin
>>> On May 15, 2020, at 12:15 PM, Raj Kumar <raj.gauta...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am getting segmentation fault in VPP when using VCL VPPCOM_PROTO_UDP
>>> *C*  socket. This issue is observed with both UDP sender and UDP
>>> receiver application.
>>> However, both UDP sender and receiver works fine with VPPCOM_PROTO_UDP.
>>> Here is the stack trace -
>>> (gdb) bt
>>> #0  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
>>> #1  0x00007ffff775da59 in session_open_vc (app_wrk_index=1,
>>> rmt=0x7fffb5e34cc0, opaque=0)
>>>     at
>>> /usr/src/debug/vpp-20.05-rc0~748_g83d129837.x86_64/src/vnet/session/session.c:1217
>>> #2  0x00007ffff7779257 in session_mq_connect_handler
>>> (data=0x7fffb676e7a8)
>>>     at
>>> /usr/src/debug/vpp-20.05-rc0~748_g83d129837.x86_64/src/vnet/session/session_node.c:138
>>> #3  0x00007ffff7780f48 in session_event_dispatch_ctrl
>>> (elt=0x7fffb643f51c, wrk=0x7fffb650a640)
>>>     at
>>> /usr/src/debug/vpp-20.05-rc0~748_g83d129837.x86_64/src/vnet/session/session.h:262
>>> #4  session_queue_node_fn (vm=<optimized out>, node=<optimized out>,
>>> frame=<optimized out>)
>>>     at
>>> /usr/src/debug/vpp-20.05-rc0~748_g83d129837.x86_64/src/vnet/session/session_node.c:1409
>>> #5  0x00007ffff6b214c1 in dispatch_node (last_time_stamp=<optimized
>>> out>, frame=0x0, dispatch_state=VLIB_NODE_STATE_POLLING,
>>>     type=VLIB_NODE_TYPE_INPUT, node=0x7fffb5a9a980, vm=0x7ffff6d7c200
>>> <vlib_global_main>)
>>>     at
>>> /usr/src/debug/vpp-20.05-rc0~748_g83d129837.x86_64/src/vlib/main.c:1235
>>> #6  vlib_main_or_worker_loop (is_main=1, vm=0x7ffff6d7c200
>>> <vlib_global_main>)
>>>     at
>>> /usr/src/debug/vpp-20.05-rc0~748_g83d129837.x86_64/src/vlib/main.c:1815
>>> #7  vlib_main_loop (vm=0x7ffff6d7c200 <vlib_global_main>) at
>>> /usr/src/debug/vpp-20.05-rc0~748_g83d129837.x86_64/src/vlib/main.c:1990
>>> #8  vlib_main (vm=<optimized out>, vm@entry=0x7ffff6d7c200
>>> <vlib_global_main>, input=input@entry=0x7fffb5e34fa0)
>>>     at
>>> /usr/src/debug/vpp-20.05-rc0~748_g83d129837.x86_64/src/vlib/main.c:2236
>>> #9  0x00007ffff6b61756 in thread0 (arg=140737334723072) at
>>> /usr/src/debug/vpp-20.05-rc0~748_g83d129837.x86_64/src/vlib/unix/main.c:658
>>> #10 0x00007ffff602fc0c in clib_calljmp () from
>>> /lib64/libvppinfra.so.20.05
>>> #11 0x00007fffffffd1e0 in ?? ()
>>> #12 0x00007ffff6b627ed in vlib_unix_main (argc=<optimized out>,
>>> argv=<optimized out>)
>>>     at
>>> /usr/src/debug/vpp-20.05-rc0~748_g83d129837.x86_64/src/vlib/unix/main.c:730
>>> Earlier , I tested this functionality with VPP 20.01 release with the
>>> following patches and it worked perfectly.
>>> https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/vpp/+/24332
>>> https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/vpp/+/24334
>>> https://gerrit.fd.io/r/c/vpp/+/24462
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Raj
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