Hi Chris,

On 22/06/2020 13:09, "Christian Hopps" <cho...@chopps.org> wrote:

    >  - It operates directly with the IPsec tunnel mode and transport mode SAs 
without needing to mangle the internal definition of SA tunnel into transport 

    Do you have any comments on this point? This is what I was talking about 
when I said a "cleaner abstraction".

'cleaner' is a subjective term and subjective analysis is subject to bias; my 
biases are clear. That's why I tried to frame this discussion with an objective 
comparison of use case. First in what we can't do with ipip/gre then in what we 
'can't' do with xfrms.  More later..

    >  - CRITICAL: Its use does not impose any encapsulation on the traffic 
    > Critical implies that without this some use cases are impossible. What is 
it that cannot be done with the tunnel model?

    - You can't tunnel non-singular IP traffic with IPIP (my use case requires 
this) IOW "ipip-only" model assumes the ESP payload is a single IP packet that 
will be wrapped with an outer IP packet.

More on this below...

    - You can't do route based transport mode IPsec using ipip (my use case 
doesn't require this).

That's true, but is that a use case? Route based VPNs apply to transit traffic, 
as well as locally generated, and one shouldn't send transit traffic using a 
transport mode SA, i.e. without encap that ensures it returns.

    Both of these speak to the "more powerful abstraction" point.

    - The xfrm interface allows for route-based selection, but also allows for 
additional policy restrictions. This might be possible with IPIP model, but 
again it doesn't seem as clean/obvious.

VPP supports policy based VPNs using an SPD attached to an interface. Any 
interface type could be used.

    There's a reason that linux went with this approach as their improvement on 
the VTI interface, rather than just re-using IPIP tunnel after re-interpreting 
tunnel mode SAs into transport mode SAs like the new VPP code does. The latter 
makes assumptions about the IPsec tunnel mode payload and generally feels like 
a restricted "works for me/good enough" solution, rather than a clean 
abstraction one can build new use cases on (as I am trying to do).

I'm sure that had compelling reasons, but do they translate to VPP? Were they 
for architectural reasons that don't apply. For example, was the choice of a 
new interface type required to support HW offload? I'll try and find more info. 
Perhaps you have good source you can share.

    In my case I want to insert myself into a place in the graph that appears 
to no longer exist. IPTFS is a tunnel that carriers multiple or fractional 
inner IP packets per outer IP packet -- this simply does not map to an IPIP 
interface, where it would easily map to an XFRM style interface. So it 
definitely is a loss of functionality.

... I don't follow your reasoning. Your feature runs in the ip4-output path of 
an interface. It will therefore, per-buffer, get;
1) an ip4 packet, because that's what the 'contract' of the ip4-output feature 
2) they will all be destined to the [single] peer that is reachable through the 
interface, because that's what routing has decided is the fate of these 
packets. Of course you are free to over-ride the routing decision if you wish, 
but at the end of the feature arc the tunnel's adjacency will ship the packet 
out the phy thru which the peer is reachable.
Now this applies regardless of the interface type. For example, if, and I'm not 
suggesting you do this, but if, you were to protect the tunnel with a tunnel 
mode SA, and in your feature vnet_buffer_advance'd away the first 20 bytes of 
buffer data, then, what you receive, would be functionally equivalent to the 
xfrm model, and what you transmit also the same; a packet to the peer. The 
difference being that in the ipip/gre model your feature is expected to produce 
a packet for the next node with those 20 bytes on the front. But in either case 
the next feature on the arc is expecting an ipv4 packet, because it expects the 
same guarantees your feature benefitted from. Which leads me to think that you 
are not using the existing esp4-encrypt node unmodified? In your current 
implementation, how do you communicate the change in packet type to the next 

You say 'IPTFS is a tunnel', perhaps this is where our view point differs. I 
have a strong routing bias, and we're talking route based VPNs here __ the 
tunnel is used for routing, it is through the tunnel that the routes are 
advertised, and so the FIB chooses these tunnels to [load-balance] the traffic 
to. The fact that they are secured, or have IPTFS, or ACLs, or NAT or whatever 
else enabled on them is value add. The tunnel exists for routing, it is not 
created by one those features.

    Additionally I'm worried there may be even newer changes being made in VPP 
that are making further assumptions (restrictions) based on the new "ipip-only" 
model (something to do with rewrites/adjacencies maybe? -- my understanding 
here is minimal). It's been hard to justify, time-wise, tracking changes in 
code that seems engineered to not work for me. :)

If there's one thing I hope I can assure you about, it's that these changes 
weren't done just to make your life harder __ if it's any consolation, I have 
no more changes planned, other than to finally removed the deprecated 
ipsec_itf_create API, which currently maps onto call to ipip tunnels. 

As a little back ground as to why the changes were made, here are a few other 
use cases that VPP needs to support.
- GRE encap.
- L2 payload over GRE
- multipoint interfaces (DMVPN).
- specifying encap/decap behaviour (i.e. what IP header fields are copied from 
overlay to underlay and vice versa, like DSCP,ECN, DF, etc.)
- double encap - when the tunnel IP endpoints are different (or the same) as 
the crypto IP endpoint. A use case old VPP code supported.

With all but the last also required for tunnels without protection. So is it a 
cleaner architecture to add another interface type just for ipsec tunnels and 
move/replicate more types and functions of encap/decap into the SA - I'd argue 
no. Should we introduce an xfrm like interface just for the popular 
point-to-point IP encap case - again I'd argue no - we know how feature creep 
works, we'd start with one use case and finish supporting them all. I'm hoping 
you'll give me the killer reason __

Maybe the solution is to decouple the encap from the interface and we can share 
a common encap-free interface type/template across ipip, gre, and maybe other 
tunnels, then 'instantiate' that template with a protocol specific encap. Then 
SAs could be similarly instantiated w/ or w/o an equivalent encap to share the 
functionality. An xfrm interface would be an encap free interface instance. The 
template would support the required modes; l2/l3, p2p/p2mp and mcast 
destination address.

You probably saw that I'm taking a break for a few months, so not much code 
from me in that time.



    > /neale
    > Thoughts?
    > Thanks,
    > Chris.
    > [1] - 

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