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Subject: Flow API questions/Hierarchical Queuing feature support

I have a question about Flow API.
test flow [add|del|enable|disable] [index ] "
       "[src-ip <ip-addr/mask>] [dst-ip <ip-addr/mask>] "
       "[ip6-src-ip <ip-addr/mask>] [ip6-dst-ip <ip-addr/mask>] "
       "[src-port <port/mask>] [dst-port <port/mask>] "
       "[proto ] "
       "[gtpc teid ] [gtpu teid ] [vxlan ] "
       "[session id ] [spi ]"
       "[next-node ] [mark ] [buffer-advance ] "
       "[redirect-to-queue ] [drop] "
       "[rss function ] [rss types ]" ,

It was mentioned that Flow action can be mark. Is the mark-id is an opaque 
field in the meta buffer field of the packet buffer. I am trying to see if the 
is Mark id can be preserved until the packet is reached the output interface.  
Does the Flow API expect support from hardware for flow classification? Is the 
mark-id is stored in the meta-buffer field? Is there any trace function or log 
where I can see this field set ?

Also, it looks Hierarchical Queuing support is not enabled in the latest 
release. Any plans to support it again in the future?   I would like to know an 
example command on how to set the pktfield for hierarchical queuing.  It's not 
clear from the documentation how to set it based on packet fields like src-ip, 
dst-ip, src-port, dst-port and proto. Do I need to mention mask value for it?

The command below is used to set the packet fields required for classifying the 
incoming packet. As a result of the classification process, packet field 
information will be mapped to 5 tuples (subport, pipe, traffic class, pipe, 
color) and stored in packet mbuf.

set dpdk interface hqos pktfield  id subport|pipe|tc offset 

Satish K Amara

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