On Mon, Nov 10, 2003 at 12:05:38AM -0800, James Noble wrote:
> Hello, Im new to this list, so Ill say Hi to all first,


> second, I am using vserver (just starting with it) at work, I want to
> build a vps solution for hosting customers, (we plan on about 16 per
> server, at least 8 per to make it profitable.  I tried the h-sphere
> modification of vserver, freevps, and had troubles with memory
> allocation. (starting apache in an empty vps took the mem up to 800!)
> I am installing the real vserver tonight, Ill let you all know if i
> have trouble.
> On a personal note, I am going to try LVM with vserver, (anyone done
> this?) I want to have small clusters (5 servers each) running in sets

Yes, I am using vserver with LVM - it is an excellent solution.

> of 10 vservers on each one. main goal is failover, I am looking at
> heartbeat for this, or something similar over ethernet.  what i want
> to do is have hourly updates between server A and B, and B to C,, ect,

You might want to consider using DRBD - this will give you real-time

> with b checking every min to see if A is up, if not, check in my
> reboot log, to see if its being rebooted, if not, activate the copys
> of the A servers in B, ect.
> Im glad to see that this is a active list, it will make thing far
> easier when i run into trouble.
> Anyway, Hello all, and talk to you soon,
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