On Tue, Dec 16, 2003 at 01:58:25AM -0500, Allen D. Parker II wrote:
> *snip*
> > see freevps.
> > 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# chcontext --ctx 1 cat /proc/vservers/3
> > New security context is 1
> > vserver id 3
> > ......
> > Addresses assigned :
> > lo(none):;
> > 
> > Incoming traffic : 30 Kb
> > Outgoing traffic : 47 Kb

Hi Allen!

> Are there any standalone patches for recent kernels 
> (like Herbert's 2.4.23-vs1.22?) 

not that I know of ...

> How hard would it be to backport the freevps /proc/vservers
> to "our" vs1.XX? 

hmm, for Alex (or Say) I guess, it wouldn't be too
hard to do that, for somebody not so intimate with 
that code, such a port (I refuse to use the phrase
'backport' for 2.4.18-RH -> 2.4.23 ports ;) wouln't
be that easy ... but nevertheless doable ...

> I think it'd be nice to be able to have these features
> while still running a recent kernel (not 2.4.18) 
> anybody else think so too?

yup, I think so too, and either the virtual network
concept I am working on, or the next generation of
the linux-vserver code will do such things, although
they don't have top priority, as key can easily be
solved by other means ...

(this could also be included in vserver start/stop)


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