I'm new to vserver and have a few questions, hopefully not FAQs.

1) I've installed a vserver with the vserver build cmd. and not sure how I can unify that one.
a) to unify is it necessary to install like paul sladen does it in his debian-newserver.sh?
b) should one have skel vserver installed first
c) since the unify script is based on rpm's, does it work with deb or has one to `alien` all the packages

2) I thought about building a DMZ as vserver.
a) is it possible to give the ppp-interface handling to the DMZ-vs and how? as far as i understood, one give a given IP to the vserver, but how works it, if there is no ip at that (boottime) moment, or IP changes due to reconnection of the DSL

OS: debian sid
kernel: 2.4.23
vserver: 1.20
util-vserver: 0.26

can someone please shed some insights toward me?


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