On Thu, Dec 18, 2003 at 12:01:34AM -0500, VServer wrote:
> Hello list:
> What a great project this is.  Hats off guys.  
> I recently found the vserver project and quickly 
> decided to setup my box to take some abuse...  
> This was the logical solution since there are too 
> many computers in this room already.

sounds great!

> I have been running linux-vserver version 2.4.23-vs1.20 
> on a athlon 1.2 MHz with 1.5 GB Ram with Slackware 9.1
> as the OS.  

hmm, don't know about slackware, but the rest 
sounds good to me ...

> I configured 3 vserver guests (2 running Slackware Live 
> and 1 running Sentry Linux) to handle email for 3 domains.  

> Sendmail and the virus/spam scanning system have been 
> running beautifully on this setup.

okay, so it works with vs1.20 ...

> I attempted to run 2.4.23-vs1.22 as soon as it came out 
> but after the reboot, sendmail started to error out on me.  

> I wrote a rc.vservers script that executes on boot to bring 
> up the vserver clients.  

there is a runlevel script included in the userspace
tools (/etc/init.d/vservers) this might be working
for you too ...

> Once Sendmail starts up on the clients, I get the following 
> error repeated every five minutes:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dec 17 21:41:40 salvation sm-mta[1867]: NOQUEUE: SYSERR(root): 
> opendaemonsocket: daemon MTA-RX: cannot bind: Address already in use
> Dec 17 21:41:40 salvation sm-mta[1867]: daemon MTA-RX: problem creating SMTP 
> socket
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

okay, looks like the 'address/port' (whatever it might be)
is already used by some other task ...

I would ask you to try vs1.21, and see if this works for
you, and to locate the address/port the daemon tries to 
bind to ...

maybe you could provide the following on a web site:

 * output of lsof -i 
 * your vserver configurations
 * your host service configuration


> I hope somebody can help,
> Ronald Vazquez
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