
I'm writing to find out what kind of loads people are running VServer
under currently.

This is the information that be appreciated:

* VServer kernel + tools version
* Average number of total running processes (vps -axuw | wc -l)
* Number of VServers currently running (vserver-status | wc -l)
* Average load average
* Average CPU idle
* Hardware specifications

The first three are the most important with the last three just for
general information.  My goal here is to see how well VServer is scaling
up to loads.  ie. Can we run 1000, 3000, 5000, 10000 concurrent
processes?  I'm trying to find the peak that a user has scaled a single
server up to.  The interest is in the Kernel/VServer code and less on
the hardware.  I will start with myself:

* VServer 1.00 + util-vserver-0.23.93-0
* 1287
* 50
* 1 min: 1.49, 5-min: 1.55
* 65%
* Dual AMD Athlon 2000+, 3GB RAM, 2x80GB IDE Hard disks.

Thanks for your input everyone.


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