On Wed, 3 Mar 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[util-vserver and suse/gcc 3.3.1]

> I observerd the same on SuSE9.0. Therefore, i just used the binaries
> built in a Suse8.2 environment hoping that this
> works as well. So far it does.
> But of course i am interested in a 'clean' solution, i.e.
> the vserver-utils compiled with gcc 3.3.1 on SuSE9.0.

I recently mailed a patch for reducecap to Enrico, which are
supposed to make it work as intended. (Looking at the code, I wonder how
it could ever have work before, and it didn't change fron .26 to .29).
(I didn't look colosely at the other tools, though.)

Just in case it helps, I put it to

Since I don't know automake, I'm not sure how to change the depencencies.
Therefore I created a separate Makefile (same link). Just compile the
unpatched sources, apply the patch, put the Makefile into src/ and run
'make reducecap' again. (Or better, tell me from which file Makefile.in
is generated. I hope it _is_ generated ...)

The programmer's National Anthem is 'AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH'

Friß, Spammer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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