> > > memory limits are only partially enforced on stable,
> > > but you can limit the VM with the rlimit interface ...

ULIMIT="-HS -u 1000 -v 128000 -l 131072 -m 131072 -n 1024"
-v 128000 limit the memory to 128 MO i think  ???

> > OK, thanks but what's /dev/shared/device and /dev/real/block/device ?
> > My new hard disk is on /dev/hdb1 (2.1Go) pointing to /vsersers (/var/lib/
> > vservers/)
> in your case, both are /dev/hdb1, you probably want to add
> the tagxid (or tagctx) option to /etc/fstab for that partition
> and later on, you might want to use the vroot device for
> quota inside a vserver (not required for disk limits)

One problem at the same time :) quota in vserver will be in the futur. Now, i 
want limiting size of a vserver

> > > there is also an upcoming howto by talon?
> >
> > I'm obliged to apply all this patch ?
> > bzcat ../patch-2.4.22-c17e.diff.bz2 | patch -p1
> > bzcat ../patch-2.4.22-c17e-mq0.11.diff.bz2 | patch -p1
> > bzcat ../patch-2.4.22-c17e-mq0.10-cx0.06.diff.bz2 | patch -p1
> > bzcat ../patch-2.4.22-c17e-mq0.11-cx0.06-cq0.11.diff.bz2 | patch -p1
> > bzcat ../patch-2.4.22-c17e-mq0.11-cx0.06-cq0.11-dl0.05.diff.bz2 | patch
> > -p
> >
> > 2.4.25 + vserser1.27 + q0.14 + bme0 isn't the good way ? I'm very lost
> > with all this patch :(
> no, as I said, this is outdated, but feel free to update it
> (q0.14 contains successors of the patches mentioned above)
./cqhadd -x 100 -v /dev/hdb1
adding quota hash for /dev/hdb1 ... failed: Function not implemented

./cqdlim -x 100 -S 0,200,0,1000,10 -v /dev/hdb1
dlimctl failed: No such device or address

> PS: if you prefer direct communication, join us at the irc
>     channel (#vserver irc.oftc.net)
YES :)


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