rsync -vazPxle ssh --numeric-ids --delete --exclude=*/log 
--exclude=*/*/log --exclude=*/*/*/log --exclude=*/*/*/*/log 
--exclude=*/*/*/*/*/log --exclude=*/*/*/*/*/*/log 
--exclude=*/*/*/*/*/*/*/log --exclude=*/proc --exclude=*/dev 
--exclude=*/*/nslog --exclude=*/*/*/nslog --exclude=*/*/*/*/nslog 
--exclude=*/*/*/*/*/nslog --exclude=*/*/*/*/*/*/nslog 
--exclude=*/*/*/*/*/*/*/nslog --bwlimit=100 --hard-links /server/rs1

On Mon, 31 May 2004, Lucas Albers wrote:

> When you rsync systems, do you usually exclude proc?


> Can anyone post a sample of what options they use when rsyncing vservers
> from system to system.
> I currently use these rsync options: azP

above.  You want numeric ids, or else things get screwey unless all the 
uids/gids are identical.  bwlimit is personal preference.  adjust excludes 
to suit.

> I do an rsync, then take the system offline, rsync again, then start it up
> on the other system.

Me too.

> Or should I just rsync when the system is up?

I've done it successfully, but I don't trust it.

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