On Tue, Jun 01, 2004 at 03:11:15PM -0600, Lucas Albers wrote:
> Dariush Pietrzak said:
> >  So... noone wants to maintain vserver+grsec... and now noone wants to
> > maintain grsec itself?
> Well he's borrowing money to buy food.
> So he can't support himself and spend all his time doing grsecurity.
> One of his sponsors failed to pay him, so he's stuck.

On Tue, Jun 01, 2004 at 02:01:30PM -0600, Lucas Albers wrote:
> He currently has 10 sponsors and is looking to make enough
> to pay for his expenses.

well, how should I put this ...

currently I have _no_ sponsor sending money, and,
although I would _love_ to spend all my time doing
linux-vserver, I have to _work_ to earn the money
to buy food and pay for shelter, connectivity and
clothing ...

> The current vserver+grsecurity is working perfectly well for me on my
> systems. I've been using Sandino Araico Sanchez's vserver+grsec
> patch and they've been stable as a rock.

as far as I know, a 'working' vserver/grsec combo
was done several times, but not seriously tested,
and as far as I heard, there where some issues ...

nevertheless, if grsec is going to perish, for
whatever reason, it might be interesting to absorb
those parts useful for linux-vserver into a security
branch of linux-vserver ...

(would be 2.6 branch of course)


> >From:        Sandino Araico Sánchez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >I've just uploaded the patch Vserver 1.27 + GR Security 1.9.14 against
> >2.4.25 to
> >http://www.sandino.net/parches/vserver/linux-2.4.25-grsec-1.9.14-vserver-1.>27.patch.gz
> -- 
> Luke Computer Science System Administrator
> Security Administrator,College of Engineering
> Montana State University-Bozeman,Montana
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