On Tue, Jun 22, 2004 at 12:21:07PM -0700, Roderick A. Anderson wrote:
> On Tue, 22 Jun 2004, Ramiro Brito Willmersdorf wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'm trying to create a vserver with three different ip addresses,
> > therefore I need three aliases: one for eth0 and two for eth1.
> > They end up named as (checked with ifconfig):
> > 
> > eth0:zumb ->
> > eth1:zumb ->
> > eth1:zumb ->
> > 
> > The name of the vserver is zumbi.
> > Shouldn't the last two have different names? Should I name the
> > vserver with less than four characters (no big deal)? Should I not
> > worry about this?
> I think you'll find this is an issue with ifconfig.  A nine (9) character
> display length.  Had me confused for awhile when I first got caught by it.  
> Fixes that may work or help.  Vserver names of four or less characters.  
> Use nameif and make eth0 and eth1 something shorter.  WAN, LAN?

actually no need for that, because the limit is at
15 chars totla, which leaves 10 chars for vserver
(assuming ethX:), which in turn means that you can
have a name up to 9 chars, for up to 10 aliases, or
8 chars for 100 (current max 16) aliases ...

you can check that yourself, with the ip tool:

# ifconfig eth0:somelongalias
# ip addr show
    inet brd scope global eth0:somelongal

see http://vserver.13thfloor.at/Stuff/VServer-IP-Setup-0.1.txt
for further details (or the linux-vserver documentation)


> Rod
> -- 
>     "Open Source Software - You usually get more than you pay for..."
>      "Build A Brighter Lamp :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL"
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