On Thu, Jul 01, 2004 at 02:11:47PM +0200, Dariush Pietrzak wrote:
> > martin will take care of that, and subscribe you ...
>  you know... I've been avoiding mailman .. and VERY happy with
> listar/ecartis. 
>  Could anyone please explain to me why everyone insist on running mailman?
> This is some ego thingie?

well, I could not care less if it is mailman or
listar/ecartis or sendmail, postfix, mutt, pine, 
unless it's not M$, but as Martin maintains the
mailinglist, and folks agreed that he should
continue to do so, it's his decision, which 
software to use and what solution to provide 

btw, IIRC martin explained that this is only a
temporary issue, which will be eliminated (soon?)


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