On Wednesday 02 March 2005 18:16, Benjamin GIGON wrote:
> Hi everybody  :-)
> I'm not sure if it's usefull, but I merged latest grsec
> (2.1.1-2.6.10-as2-20050124225) and latest vserver (1.9.4) under Linux
> 2.6.10.
> I suppose that it doesn't exist; however Doener say me  that "IIRC
> DaPhreak" has already merged this.
> I haven't found this patch, so I decided to create this.
> Sorry if it already exist
> [ ... ]
> See'ya  :-)

Yeah, Doener was right :) I _tried_ to get it working but due to some nasty 
typos (or something else) the grsec-vserver hadn't compiled here.

As for this, I would have looked into it again this weekend (school sucks ;) )

Thanks a lot :)

Greets Christian a.k.a. DaPhreak
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