On Thu, Apr 28, 2005 at 11:40:16AM +1200, Sam Vilain wrote:
> Herbert Poetzl wrote:
> >>Sadly, Postgres is missing these important features;
> >> - bitmap indexes
> >> - OLAP query re-writing
> >I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about ...
> >but:
> >New Enterprise Features in 7.4
> >*  Hash aggregation in memory to make data warehousing and 
> >   OLAP queries up to 20 times faster;
> >(they are now at 8.0.1 or later ...)
> Well, given you asked, and NO THIS ISN'T A FLAMEWAR INVITATION LURKERS :)

hehe, actually I have an oracle question to the expert!

how do you do simple 'sequence' types without adding
an on insert trigger?

but I guess this _is_ already very off-topic, so I'd
suggest we continue this thread in private ;)

> Bitmap indexes are a simple concept, and last time I checked there were
> Pg patches for them (using Pg's pluggable index system), but they weren't
> standard.  Looking now, all I see is the occasional question on their
> mailing list followed by a few clueless replies ('do you mean this...?').
> All they are is a B-Tree on the distinct *values* of a column, and then
> a very long bitmap for each value, one bit for each row in the table,
> with 1's in the rows where that value is held.  A low CPU overhead
> compression scheme makes these fairly efficient.  It means that if you're
> joining together lots of query conditions on columns with discrete values,
> it can be reduced to bitwise operations on these very long bitmaps; on a
> modern CPU the actual expanded bitmap might only actually end up in L1,
> and the CPU can crank through them at 1.6GHz * 64 * 4 (or however many
> ALUs your CPU has); still usually limited by IO capability of course.
> For "data mining" applications, this saves a *lot* of time, sometimes
> multiple orders of magnitude.
> And that's still simple.  The OLAP query re-writing is even funkier.
> OLAP is a generic term for a large range of technologies, so there
> seems to be some things in there labelled for OLAP.  There are lots of
> tricks that solve the goal of OLAP, no doubt most of which I am ignorant
> of.
> But in particular, one thing that Oracle does really nicely is the way
> you can make a view "materialized" - ie, the computed view is kept around,
> rather than being generated as needed.  Then, when you perform queries
> on the original table that Oracle figures out could use the computed view
> to avoid looking at the original table (or improve speed by using an
> index, perhaps), then it transparently re-writes the query to instead use
> the materialized view (assuming you know how to flick all the relevant
> switches that only advanced Oracle DBAs can reach).
> The upshot of that is that you can take virtually any regularly repeated
> query, or hopefully a wide range of common queries, and manually help the
> database along by telling it what to pre-calculate.  And you don't even
> have to 're-run' the queries when the source data changes - it has
> support for minimally updating just the bits that changed.
> Oracle certainly has a significant feature lead on Pg for data mining.
> >>Without those, our database would run like cold treacle.
> >well, there are a bunch of SQL 'features' not present
> >in Oracle either ... so it really depends on the requirements
> Absolutely.  I think Oracle stinks as a general purpose application
> server back-end.  It's buggy as a VW convention, heavy as a lead
> elephant and as snappy as old celery for small transactions.

thanks for the informative explanations!


> Sam.
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