
 > scripts/vserver_sarge is the same as scripts/sarge, our modifications
> are:
> - remove some packages (don't ask me which ones, I don't remember -
>   probably the ppp* stuff and maybe something else, but that's not
>   so important - we could discuss them on the list, more eyes can
>   for sure find more "useless" packages)
> - remove unused arch's
> - call our cleanup script after "second_stage_install" like:
>     install_debs () {
>       first_stage_install
>       second_stage_install
>       . /usr/lib/util-vserver/vserver-cleanup
>     }

You provided the "vserver-cleanup" script but not the "vserver_sarge".
Could you send it too?

> # the following line should be replaced by some "sed magic" - 
> # I never really understood what kind of regex sed is using -
> # preg syntax doesn't work, maybe someone has a good link for
> # me?! I was too lacy und used perl - sorry!
> VS_NAME=`echo $TARGET | perl -e "while (<>) { s/.+\///; print; }"`

[OT]  I'm sorry that the whole script is not in Perl! :-}
      As Debian is perl-based, why not?

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