On Mon, 9 May 2005, Herbert Poetzl wrote:

> > For the slow ones in the crowd ( ie. me ) is there a vs1.9.5 patch for 
> > or do you think the vs2.0 is close to stable?  
> well, the vs2.0 _is_ stable per definition ...

Yeah but whoms definition?  :-)  I'm game.  I'll give it a shot this week 
or week-end.  Classes endthis week and I'm not giving a final as such so 
I'll have more time to play.

> > I try to follow the list but just can't keep up and sometimes 
> > kill the messages in the thread when I think I've got the gist.
> hehe, yeah hevay mailing list traffic, about five
> messages per week ;)

Well I usually only get to read the list two or three times a week.  
Since last friday I had at least 10 - 15 messages though most were in one
thread.  Yes it is pretty low volume but for the "kernel challenged" it is
heavy reading.

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