
Well, it certainly _was_ true at some point, especially when I was
testing the vserver on my laptop ;

I don't think this is the case now. We simply experiment that some
programs have to be run on the host and don't allow to change
port/restrict IP/etc.

The v_* tools are, IMHO, a generic way to circumvent this kind of
problem. This is especially true for portmap (i.e. : you need NFS on
your host and you provide NFS we unfsd3 on a vserver, etc.) and there is
no possibility to specify this in a config file (as far I know!). The
same can be true for other programs : openSLP ?,                

Also, this can really help the newcommers to the vserver technology. I
agree with you that, most of the time, you need those tools when you are
using vservers on a "regular" host. However, it is really easy to use
these tools and, in the process, understand how the vservers and the
host share certain ressources. "Chasing" each and every config file of
services started on your host (apache:443, SSH, mySQL, postgreSQL, etc.)
can be a "not very productive task" especially during a test...

Just my .01$


Darryl Ross wrote:
> Benoît des Ligneris wrote:
>>>Well, I think that this is a useful tool for the vserver project.
>>>We are using v_portmap as well as some others v_* scripts. After having
>>>installed several vserver hosts I think it is much more easy to modify
>>>the services than to go after every application and modify one or
>>>several configuration file.
>>>Also, it is easy to check the existing services running on a given host
>>>and to create the v_* scripts in order to make sure that no port
>>>conflict will occur between the vservers and the host. This is a general
>>>solution to this kind of problem whereas fixing each application
>>>individually can be, IMHO, a pain...
> Then I would suggest that perhaps you are running too many services on
> the host?
> My philosophy is to keep the host as minimal as possible and run
> everything inside a guest (generally one guest per service). The only
> two services I run on my hosts are sshd and ntpd. Every other service
> that I might want to run on the host can be run inside a guest.
> I run sshd on all my machines on a non-standard port (2222 for hosts and
> 222 for guests) as a way of stopping my logs from filling up with
> door-knock attempts which also solves the port conflict issue.
> Regards
> Darryl

Benoit des Ligneris Ph. D.
President de Revolution Linux            http://www.revolutionlinux.com/
OSCAR                                 http://oscar.openclustergroup.org/
EduLinux                                        http://www.edulinux.org/

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