On Wed, 17 Aug 2005, Herbert Poetzl wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 16, 2005 at 02:16:37PM -0700, Roderick A. Anderson wrote:
> > I've returned after a week-end and a two day trip to wilds but was 
> > disappointed that my problems with vs2 had not magically fixed themselves.
> lol ...

Yes there was no magic there.  Well at least for me.  It's, as you can 
see, me at the keyboard trying new incantations.

> > The "fix" -- to append true to the end of the file didn't work.
> sounds very hmm ... interesting?
> I guess it would be very beneficial (if you are not already
> doing so) to report all the obstacles you are hitting one
> by one, either to the mailing list or, even better, as bug
> reports to savannah (for util-vserver) so that those issues
> can be sorted out in future versions ...

I'll start this "process" as soon as I get a new power-supply in my system
at home.  At least there I can have a Czechvar at hand.  :-)  I'm hoping 
to stop at the computer store this evening and pick it up.  Then I'll do a 
CentOS 4 install and upgrade to vs2.0.  Of course you know once I'm doing 
it 'clean' I will have no problems. :-(

With all the new stuff being added and changed the HOWTOs for older
distributions are getting a little rusty and tarnished.  I've waited
almost a year for the computer I'm going to install it on and vs2.  A few
more days won't hurt -- too bad.

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