On Tue, Aug 16, 2005 at 09:03:04AM +0100, wwwwwwwww sssssssssssssss wrote:
> Hi 
> I m new to vserver.Following are the details of my server.
> Distribution -Redhat 9.0
> kernel:linux 2.4.26 with vs 1.28 

> i m using vserver tools package.
> when i used testme.sh script it is like
> Linux-VServer Test [V0.13] Copyright (C) 2003-2005 H.Poetzl
> chcontext is working.
> chbind is working.
> Linux 2.4.26-vs1.28 i686/0.32/0.32 [J] (0)
> VCI:  <none>
> ---
> [000]# succeeded.
> [001]# succeeded.
> [011]# succeeded.
> [031]# succeeded.
> [101]# succeeded.
> [102]# succeeded.
> [201]# failed.
> [202]# succeeded.

well, updating to a newer kernel and tool version
would help here ... we are at 1.2.10 at the edge to 1.2.11
currently, and util-vserver replaced the vserver tools ...
(either 0.30 or 0.30.208)

> can u help me regarding this?
> I m able to enter into vserver but when i start vserver bringing up
> interface eth0 and eth1 is failed.
> my main server is using eth0.
> how to setup ip on vserver.conf my vserver.conf file is
> IPROOT="" 

looks good to me, basically I'd go for something like:


without the IPROOTDEV (if you want to use the legacy
config) or with --interface eth1: with
the new style config ...

> can any body helps me how to start vserver ?

> my mainserver and virtual server should work on same port but mine is
> not working.

maybe your 'real' issue is that some service (the
port you are referring to) is binding to all ips
on the host. restricting that service to only the
'host' ip will allow the guest to bind the same
service on the geust IP(s)


> thanku,
> chz.
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