Matvey Gladkikh wrote:

I have no clue what this means.... anyone?

First you need to find vprocunhide script end execute it once per server

second you do not need to create /vserver/NAME dir
cause creation script will do it for you.

It sounds really easy when you say it like this :)

Right now I'm trying to build from scratch with the following howto:

In the howto "patch-0.30.208-fix02.diff <>" is not used, why might I need this patch?

I think the installing procedure isn't that hard and I'm just messing it up by following different howto sources for the install. The IRC-logs are somewhat helpfull, but I'm really missing the 'red line'.

The main concern I have, is to keep Vserver updated when it's running. Debian got a great packiging system, but how should I upgrade Vserver (that was build from scratch) when a new version is released? Build again from scratch? That's why I tried the sources from first.

I saw Debian unstable adopted util-vserver-0.30.208 (, but I'm want to use the stable branch. Should I mix?

To much decisions to make ...what's wise to do?


Vincent Pluk
eMAXX, Netherlands
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