On Thu, Dec 01, 2005 at 06:50:56PM +0100, Lars Hallberg wrote:
> Xavier Montagutelli wrote:
> >On Wednesday 30 November 2005 18:51, Lars Hallberg wrote:
> > 
> >
> >>Don't know howe much difference this make, but I using Ubuntu 5.10
> >>and the debian tools. Built my original 'guest' with somthing like:
> >>
> >># newvserver -v --hostname testname --domain "foo.bar" --ip
> >This tool is not in the "util-vserver" commands. Perhaps that's why
> >you don't have any "/vservers/.pkg/<vs>" directory ?
> /etc/vservers/foo/apps/pkgmgmt/ contans only the empty file
> 'internal', and what i understand packetmanagment is complitle run
> inside the VServer. Waste some space, but its not a critikal problem,
> and defeitly not on top of the list right now :-)
> Thanks for all answers. I'm wondering about one more thing
> >>>4) modify context number automatically (if you use static context
> >>>numbers, which is preferred) ?
> >>>
> >>Don't think I do, possably I shuld... Wher can I read about pro and
> >>con?
> >
> >Mandatory if you use context tagging for files, needed to set up
> >disk limit per vserver or quota per vserver (in case you are using a
> >single partition for hosting different vservers), otherwise simply
> >recommended ?
> > 
> I don't realy need those featurs right now. But I wonder what "context 
> tagging for files" implie for file copying. 

> Are ther any tool for changing the taging?

yes, lsxid and chxid are supposed to do that job

$ touch /vservers/{a,b,c}
$ lsxid /vservers/{a,b,c}
                   0  /vservers/a
                   0  /vservers/b
                   0  /vservers/c

$ chxid -c 100 /vservers/a
$ chxid -c 200 /vservers/b

$ lsxid /vservers/{a,b,c} 
                 100  /vservers/a
                 200  /vservers/b
                   0  /vservers/c

> Will that taging survive copying? by cp? by rsync? 

$ mkdir /vservers/X
$ cp -a /vservers/{a,b,c} /vservers/X/
$ lsxid /vservers/X/
                   0  /vservers/X/
                   0  /vservers/X/a
                   0  /vservers/X/b
                   0  /vservers/X/c

> Do they survive taring and untaring? 

$ mkdir /vservers/Y
$ tar cfC - /vservers a b c | tar xfC - /vservers/Y
$ lsxid /vservers/Y/                                
                   0  /vservers/Y/
                   0  /vservers/Y/a
                   0  /vservers/Y/b
                   0  /vservers/Y/c

> Will they survive copying betwin host systems (migrating, backup)? 

depends ...

inode based backup tools will preserve the
tagging (like dump/restore), other tools
(like rsync or tar) have to be 'enhanced'
to know about the xid tags.

similar is true for barrier and immutable
link inversion flags ...

> I do the copying on the host system, outside the VServers own context.
> Guess I realy wonder wher i can read more (allot more) about this.

some info should be on the wiki, if you need details
pay a visit to the irc channel and ask me ...


> Thanks /LaH
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