On Wed, Dec 28, 2005 at 04:00:24PM +0100, Guenther Fuchs wrote:
> Hi there,
> as recommended in amavis configuration I have used an tmpfs mount to
> mount memory as tmp for amavisd-new by adding following line to fstab:
> | none    /var/amavis/tmp tmpfs   size=250m,mode=1777     0 0
> For various reasons (and also for other mounts) I'd like to "hide"
> this (and other) mount(s) visibility inside the guest - how can this
> done? Any ideas?

'define' hide ...

if you want to have mount not show it, just
remove the entry from the mtab (or mount it
with -n) if you want to hide that fact from
/proc/mounts then it's getting trickier ...
(i.e. you will have to patch the kernel)


> -- 
> regards,
> Guenther Fuchs
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