On Thu, Feb 02, 2006 at 10:32:00PM +1300, Sam Vilain wrote:
> Hey folks,
> Some good news - I am currently working on getting vserver included
> upstream.  Attached is the plan, and links to the work-in-progress.

just for the record, I'm 'officially' supporting
the idea and will help Sam whenever my time permits.

here a few comments to a 'mainline' merge though:

 - we should try to make virtualization in the kernel
   as general as possible, while keeping the overhead
   as small as feasible

 - we should strive to allow competitive solutions
   to utilize the virtualization in a sensible manner
   (I'd hate to see linux-vserver-only code in mainline)

 - many things will not be merged in a year or two,
   so do not expect the vserver patches to go away
   too soon, but hopefully they will get smaller and
   smaller (if this succeeds)

well, that's it!


> Currently I'm of the opinion that I should finish section 1 and get a
> minimal userland test suite running before sending it off to LKML for
> savaging by the hoards; however what is there already is the minimum
> that Linus was after for considering the patch.
> If anyone has any process suggestions or objections, please raise them
> on the list now.  If you would like to contribute, getting savvy with
> something like StGIT (see http://www.procode.org/stgit/) will help us
> work together.

[Content-Description: It's the plan, Stan.]

> The mighty Linux-VServer inclusion branch
> =========================================
> The Goal
> --------
> To reshape the Linux-VServer kernel patch into a series of patches
> that incrementally add features, for inclusion into the mainstream
> Linux 2.6 tree.  To do so without requiring the core Linux VServer
> team to compromise on their primary objectives or waste time
> maintaining the umpteen different kernel versions this process will
> create.  And finally, to do so without drifting from the core patch so
> much it makes lots more work for Herbert.
> The Plan
> --------
> Note that the dependency order of these patches is not strictly
> linear; however git is not in a position to apply patch calculus, so
> this is probably hard information to extract :)
> All revisions will be committed with Herbert's name as the Author
> rather than myself, though technically I am the author of those
> revisions, Herbert is the real author of the work.
> Patches, by general category, with a rough expected order:
> 0. features that don't need vserver, but are in the patch anyway
>   a. Bind Mount Extensions (mount --bind --ro)
>   b. Kernel split (already included upstream!  and with incorrect
>      acknowledgement ;))
> 1. core vserver patch - no features
>   a. struct and ps addition; internal API and refcounting
> ** UP TO HERE **
>   b. syscall, and switch
>   c. /proc visibility
>   d. debugging
>   e. history
> 2. isolation features
>   a. IPC, semaphore, and signal restrictions
>   b. proc/array filtering
>   c. IPv4 chbind
>   d. FS chroot() barrier
>   e. general /proc filtering
>   f. ptrace
>   g. process admin: alloc_uid, find_user, sys_setpriority
>   h. printk
>   i. kthread
> 3. virtualisation features
>   a. uts information
>   b. initpid
>   c. uptime
>   d. load average
>   e. ksyslog
>   f. vshelper (reboot support)
>   g. vroot (quota, fs IOCTL, etc)
>   i. general PID virtualisation
>   j. ngnet (network stack virtualisation)
> 4. resource tracking features
>   a. scheduler tracking hook
>   b. FS xid counting
>   c. FS xid tagging
>   d. ulimit
>   e. RSS usage
>   f. IO - async tracking
> 5. resource sharing features
>   a. scheduling v1 - TBF and vavavoom
>   b. FS - immutable linkage invert (immulink)
>   c. disk scheduler integration
>   d. RSS limits
>   e. FS - mad cow
> 6. resource limit features
>   a. scheduler
>   b. rlimits
>   c. disklimits
> Locations
> ---------
> The GIT repository for this project is at:
>   http://utsl.gen.nz/vserver/vserver.git
> The patch stack for this project will be on the "vserver-inclusion"
> branch; it is exported to:
>   http://utsl.gen.nz/vserver/patches-split/mine/2.6.N+git-vsi/
> Where 2.6.N was the last release (or release candidate) of Linus'
> tree.  This patch is NOT against any release you can download as a
> tarball :).
> Upstream (13thfloor.at) patches will be on the "vs2.1.x.y" branch,
> corresponding to their version number.  The "upstream" patch that was
> used as a source will be under:
>   http://utsl.gen.nz/vserver/patches-split/13thfloor/2.6.N-vs2.1.x.y/
> And, for sanity checking, the result of my importing of the upstream
> quilt patch into stgit and re-exporting the branch via stgit will be
> at:
>   http://utsl.gen.nz/vserver/patches-split/mine/2.6.N-vs2.1.x.y/
> The file sizes may be a lot smaller from STGIT; it does not repeat
> filename info for each hunk like Quilt does, but if you diff the diffs
> you'll hopefully see the differences are minor.
> This file is http://utsl.gen.nz/vserver/patch-plan.txt
> Acknowledgements / Plug
> -----------------------
> Other than the whole VServer crew, thanks go out to Catalyst IT (NZ)
> Limited for sponsoring my time on this project.
>   http://www.catalyst.net.nz/

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> Vserver mailing list
> Vserver@list.linux-vserver.org
> http://list.linux-vserver.org/mailman/listinfo/vserver

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