Hi Manish,

Has anybody done any work or study on security of vserver. What are the
possible security downsides and possible areas of attack on vserver both
from other vservers on the same host and from external agent. Any pointers
on this would be very helpful. Thanks,

I havent done a study, but from the basic idea behind vserver following issues are relevant: * if we assume, the context isolation works without errors, the risk for guest - guest attacks is equal to physical independent server
* for non root users it is impossible to attack a guest from the host side
* it IS possible - and with a faulty setup very likely - that a raising need for ressources (IO, mem, network) of a guest affects the other guests - as they share the same physikal maschine. The scheduler concept might help here *If there is a flaw in the isolation code of vserver OR someone manages to exploit a kernel bug to load some modules from inside a guest, all of the above is no longer true. I dont know if anybody here has practical results on this

As I dont know what you mean with "external agents" I cant help you on this. If you simply mean attacks from outside, vserver is not more vulnerable like any other system. A bad setup of some services might enable an attacker to take over the guest with root privs, but even in this case he will not have that much fun, as a lot of things are not allowed inside a guest. E.g. he cant spawn new IPs, compromise your kernel, etc. This behaviour can be improved by tailoring the capabilities of the guest.



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