On Mon, 08 May 2006 13:30:45 -0400
Fareha Shafique <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The following is taken from the Short 
> Introduction, can someone please explain it to me:
> "Resource sharing: Since vservers can share binaries and libraries
> without interfering, a second vserver generally cost 40-100 megs of disk
> space only. Most of this space is a copy of the packaging database.
> Independent updates: Vservers are updated independently even if they
> share binaries with other vservers."
> Does this mean, that as I install programs (like sshd, and other 
> packages) on my vserver that are already installed on my host server, 
> the binaries will be shared?

search for "vhashify" on http://linux-vserver.org/alpha+util-vserver for
the practical how-to.  the resource sharing is not automatic; you must
enable it.

i'll try to explain the theory briefly.

storage space is conserved because files only exist in one place, but are
referenced within multiple vservers though special hard links.

memory space is conserved because binaries and shared libraries (and any
item in the file cache, i suppose) only exist in memory once, though many
vservers may be executing/using the file.  the idea is to extend the
concept of "shared libraries" to vservers, so that just as a
shared library may be referenced by multiple applications and it only
exists in memory once, the same is true for a shared library referenced by
multiple vservers (by way of vhashify).

all the examples i have seen enable vhashify for vserver guests, not the
host.  i presume it is possible, but it is never applicable in my case
because hard links are only shared on a single filesystem (where i mount my
host's executables/libraries on /usr and my vservers on /home).


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