2006/5/24, Roderick A. Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I've ( thanks to everyone ) got a working Linux-Vserver and one guest.

The current issues are I can't get httpd or sshd to start in the guest.

This system is being migrated to L-V so has sshd and apache ( two
VirtualHosts ) running currently.

I have modified sshd_config, httpd.conf, and ssl.conf to listen only on
the IPs and ports the host is using and modified the guest's files to
listen on its IPs and ports.

The guest was build using this variation on the FC5 page.

vserver test build -m yum --context 34 --hostname=test.example.com
--interface test1=eth0:nn.nnn.nnn.34/25 -- -d fc5

Yes it is a half a Class-C network. ( All incriminating values have been
  changed to protect the guilty -- me. )

The error I'm getting is:

Starting httpd: (99)Cannot assign requested address: make_sock: could
not bind to address nn.nnn.nnn.34:80
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs

Any pointers?

Open file limits? Missing CAP_NET_BIND or some other capabilities?
Maybe a strace will be useful (should show you what is the exact
error). Does ip addr show (or ifconfig -a) on the guest show the
proper IP address?
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