Hello, all !

As promised a couple of months ago, I just released two french articles 
related to Linux-VServer.

These articles are a little Mandriva-oriented, 'cause I wrote and checked them 
on a Mandriva 2006.0, but are as common as possible to fit to other distros 
(The problem is always the packages managers).

The first one describes the path to get a working host with a first vserver 
inside it. Downloads, installs, compilations, settings, etc... are reviewed.

The second one is not complete, but take to a second step by teaching how to 
install, configure an run services inside vservers, and gives hints and tips 
to learn to fish on your own.

I will try to add specific services hints, like "how to run Samba", "cups 
loves localhost", "bind is bound to be capable", etc...

And one day, maybe, another article shall come, telling mankind about disk 
quotas with vroot, unification...

So :

* Découvrir les Linux-vservers - Première partie : Introduction, Installation, 
démarrer son premier serveur virtuel :

* Découvrir les Linux-vservers - Deuxième partie : Utilisation, méthode et 
astuces :

This is a wiki : French readers, feel free to correct my articles ;-) !

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