Daniel Hokka Zakrisson wrote:
Roderick A. Anderson wrote:

After making several copies/clones of a vserver I am getting the following message when I try to install yum ( for internal pkgmgmt ) using vyum.

# vyum demo -- install yum
vlogin: execvp(): No such file or directory

You should probably internalize package management prior to cloning the guest.

Once again thanks Daniel.

Further fiddling makes me think for our purposes that internalizing package management isn't a good idea at this time.

The guest I'm using to make copies from ( test ) was created using the steps described in my previous messages.

The copy was created by:

1. vserver demo build -m skeleton -context 666 --hostname=yadayada.example.com --interface demo=eth0:

  2. cp -a /vservers/test/* /vservers/demo

There were several entrys in the /dev directory that I left alone during the copy.

I'm thinking there is something missing in the second step above. Pointers/suggestions?

If you want to use external package management, even if it's just to internalize it, you'll have to copy /vservers/.pkg/test to /vservers/.pkg/demo, and quite possibly create a symlink (/etc/vservers/<name>/apps/pkgmgmt/base, according to my cursory investigation).

I'll look at this. I was thinking I was missing somethink like this. I just couldn't track it down.

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