Been looking at this problem for 2 days now and can't figure it out -- 
hoping for some ideas as to what to look at.

I just created a new Debian guest.  Called it wwwint.  My Debian 
distribution is on another machine called bermuda.  I created the vserver 
by the following command:

vserver wwwint build -m debootstrap --hostname wwwint --interface \
eth0:x.x.x.x -- -d sarge -m http://bermuda/debian -- 

The IP address I chose is unique to our internal net and $REMOVE_PACKAGES 
in this case did not evaluate to anythingg (I didn't set the variable in 
this particular build).  

bacapabilities file has CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE in it. /etc/apt/sources.list
is defined as:

deb http://bermuda/debian/ stable main contrib non-free
deb-src http://bermuda/debian/ stable main
deb http://bermuda/security/ stable/updates main

I have bermuda's IP defined in /etc/hosts so it finds it (or I don't and I 
just bermuda's IP address).

What happens is that once I start wwwint, it sees all the network routes 
fine, as defined on the root server.  It sees the default route and then 
any other networks/gateways we have.  When I first do an apt-get update 
that works fine.  Then I do "apt-get install locales" and that appears
to work fine.  I chose en_US IO-8859-1 and en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8.  Then I try
to do a base-config and suddenly my network hangs and I can't talk to 
bermuda anymore.  If I try to do "netstat -r" it thinks about it for a few 
second and finally comes back.  Any attempt of the rest of the Debian 
packages ends up stalling.  If I try wget -d it attempts it and then I get 
a segmentation fault.  None of my other vservers have this problem and 
neither does the root server.  

Any ideas as to how to troubleshoot this better than I'm obviously doing 

Thanks again for the help.


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