On Thu, Aug 24, 2006 at 10:55:28AM -0700, Roderick A. Anderson wrote:
> Daniel Hokka Zakrisson wrote:
> >Roderick A. Anderson wrote:
> >
> >>It appears I'm clueless on this but I have RFTM or at least the man 
> >>page for the mount command but still don't see a method.
> >>
> >>How do I get a listing of all the --bind (from 
> >>/etc/vservers/$GUEST/fstab ) mounts from the host?
> >>
> >>All I'm seeing is the regular mounts; partitions, nfs, etc.
> >
> >
> >When you do what? I see the bind mounts just fine in /etc/mtab, as well 
> >as /proc/mounts.
> From the host
>       mount
> doesn't show them but a
>       vserver $GUEST exec mount
> does.
> It appears to be a context thingy.

it actually is a 'namespace' thingy, so what you
want to do is enter _all_ namespaces and list their
view of the virtual filesystem layer ...

unfortunately mainline does not provide a simple way
to do so, but fortunately you can get away most of 
the time by using vnamespace ...

> Anyway to run a command for all the 'active' contexts?

a generic context loop in bash looks like this:

 for n in `cd /proc/virtual && ls -d [1-9]*`; do echo $n; done

to enter a namespace use something like this:

 vnamespace -e <xid> -- <command> [<arg> ...]


> Rod
> -- 
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