On Friday 29 September 2006 09:54, Herbert Poetzl wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 28, 2006 at 07:35:09PM -0400, Chuck wrote:
> > my 32 net guests cannot contact outside 39 net machines on our same
> > network. they can contact other 39 net guests on the same host.
> > conversely, the external 39 net machine cannot contact any 32 net ip
> > on the vserver host or any guest..
> I assume you mean something like 10.32.0.x/24 and 10.39.0.y/24
> here (well, at least it sounds like that is what you mean)
32net is a /23 and the other 3 networks are /24

> > the problem i had was when within a 32net guest if i ping a 39 net
> > external host, it goes out our 39 net card to the external host gets
> > answered and routed back into our host on 32net since the source ip
> > header in the packet is 32 net and the system ignores it. 
> yes, by default, the host is allowed to choose any network
> address which is assigned to an interface, the reverse path
> filter basically blocks packets which could not have originated
> from that interface, because it does not hold that ip
> > setting below to 0 cures that.
> so, what you basically did, is to allow the packets to leave
> the interfaces with an ip from a different interface/routing
> too (which is harmless, but probably not what you actually
> wanted)

actually it did not do what i wanted. we sniffed it this morning... the ping 
packets destined from the 32net guest for  an external 39 net host still go 
out the 39 net card and get echoed back from the external host and the router 
sends them back to the 32net card since that was the source ip block, and by 
setting that to 0 it allowed 32net to accept the packet rather than reject 

what i want is no matter if it is an internal ip or not, for all traffic 
generated by a guest to go out its default port and come back into it 
directed by the router if a reply is required such as ping. yet at the same 
time it would be ideal for all guests to be able to route internally to each 
other as they do now. the way i want to see i suspect would send the packets 
external and the router would feed them back down the correct network.

> > am i doing something extremely stupid by disabling this or is it
> > secure enough not to worry?
> > 
> >  we are protected by tons of acls in various routers plus a very
> > strict iptables on the host.
> the better approach would be to set up two routing tables,
> (given that there are two nics/routes on the host), and
> use source based routing to figure the proper interface

we use iproute2 and have one table for each of the 4 networks on the machine.. 
it is extremely probable i dont have routes or rules set up right. it works 
like this but i just do not know if this internal routing the host kernel 
does is expected/desired/normal or not.

this is a simplified version of our network setup... simplified=cut out 145 ip 
addresses from 34 net for saving space.. email runs on the host.

 eth0 differs in that it has an  additional default gateway statement to 
handle unknown networks.

# 32net intel e100 10/100  public switchport 3  vlan32

config_eth0=( " netmask broadcast" )
routes_eth0=( " src table 32net" )
routes_eth0=( "default via table 32net" )
#default gateway for sysem as a catch-all
routes_eth0=( "default via" )
rules_eth0=( "from table 32net" )

#pvtnet tigon3 gbE  private switch port 2

config_eth1=( " netmask broadcast" )
routes_eth1=( " src table pvtnet" )
routes_eth1=( "default via table pvtnet" )
rules_eth1=( "from table pvtnet" )

# 34net tigon3 gbE public switchport 4 vlan34

config_eth2=( " netmask broadcast" )
routes_eth2=( " src table 34net" )
routes_eth2=( "default via table 34net" )
rules_eth2=( "from table 34net" )

# 39net realtek rtl8169 gbE card  public switchport 5 vlan39

config_eth3=( " netmask broadcast" )
routes_eth3=( " src table 39net" )
routes_eth3=( "default via table 39net" )
rules_eth3=( "from table 39net" )

> but if that 'works for you' then it is no big deal, as I
> said, it's usually off by default ...

so then this behavior im forcing will not cause security issues?

> HTH,
> Herbert
> > i found below in sysctl.conf was set to 1. if i set it to 0 as shown 
> > everything works properly..
> > 
> > # Enables source route verification. 0 disables
> > net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 0
> > 
> > -- 
> > 
> > Chuck
> > 
> > "...and the hordes of M$*ft users descended upon me in their anger,
> > and asked 'Why do you not get the viruses or the BlueScreensOfDeath
> > or insecure system troubles and slowness or pay through the nose 
> > for an OS as *we* do?!!', and I answered...'I use Linux'. "
> > The Book of John, chapter 1, page 1, and end of book
> > 
> > 
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"...and the hordes of M$*ft users descended upon me in their anger,
and asked 'Why do you not get the viruses or the BlueScreensOfDeath
or insecure system troubles and slowness or pay through the nose 
for an OS as *we* do?!!', and I answered...'I use Linux'. "
The Book of John, chapter 1, page 1, and end of book

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