On Monday 02 October 2006 10:30, Herbert Poetzl wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 02, 2006 at 08:23:12AM -0400, Chuck wrote:
> > does this now mean guests have a way of using remapped
> > in the system rather than through hosts files? so those packages
> > hardcoded with it will work?
> yes and no, it means that on connections originating
> from inside a network context, a source address of
> will be remapped to the first assigned guest
> IP, which might help with some services, but might also
> cause some services (which check for a src ip of
> explicitly) to fail, thus it is an option

im assuming it maps to the first assigned guest ip for each guest.. which 
shouldnt be much of a problem as thats what i do within each guest in hosts 
anyway for localhost.. i can see a prob if it assigns to the first guest ip 
globally since then multiple guests may share the same 'localhost' thereby 
causing a lan of sorts among the guests which could be a security issue.

> HTC,
> Herbert
> > CONFIG_VSERVER_REMAP_SADDR: This allows to remap the source IP        
> > address of 'local' connections from to the first assigned   
> > guest IP.                                                             
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > 
> > Chuck
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
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"...and the hordes of M$*ft users descended upon me in their anger,
and asked 'Why do you not get the viruses or the BlueScreensOfDeath
or insecure system troubles and slowness or pay through the nose 
for an OS as *we* do?!!', and I answered...'I use Linux'. "
The Book of John, chapter 1, page 1, and end of book

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