On Tuesday 24 October 2006 15:52, Holger Nowak wrote:
> Hello,
> I know that running bind in a vserver guest is a bit problematic, so I
> decided to recompile Bind with linux-caps disabled according to
> http://linux-vserver.org/Problematic_Programs#Bind9_on_Debian_GNU.2FLinux_W
>oody_.283.0.29_and_Sarge_.283.1.29 and
> http://www.newt.com/debian/acornHOWTO/ (Section bind9)
> But I couldn't start named properly. No error messages neither on promt nor
> on syslog occur but the name server isn't running. If I want to stop the
> service I receive the well known message:
> Stopping domain name service: namedrndc: connect failed: connection refused

IIRC rndc wants to connect to localhost, which of course is not possible if 
this resolves to the loopback interface

A line like 


in /etc/hosts should fix that.


> But I don't think it is a permission problem, since running named in
> foreground resulting in
> mystery:/etc/bind# named -g -p 53
> Oct 24 13:50:14.675 starting BIND 9.2.4 -g -p 53
> Oct 24 13:50:14.676 using 1 CPU
> Oct 24 13:50:14.678 loading configuration from '/etc/bind/named.conf'
> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
> strace gives no more information, so I think I've made some mistake
> configuring the listening server. The crucial file where named is stop is
> the name.conf.options
> mystery:/etc/bind# cat named.conf.options
> options {
>             // Avoids listening on
>             listen-on {
>       ;
>             };
>         auth-nxdomain no;    # conform to RFC1035
> };
>     controls {
>             inet allow {
>          ;
>             };
>     };
> The one and only IP is which is a virtual IP on eth0:5 on
> the host system. The host system is running bind too but I don't listen to
> the given IP.
> If I disable the listen directive I get the following message from named:
> mystery:/etc/bind# named -g -p 53
> Oct 24 13:56:53.970 starting BIND 9.2.4 -g -p 53
> Oct 24 13:56:53.970 using 1 CPU
> Oct 24 13:56:53.973 loading configuration from '/etc/bind/named.conf'
> Oct 24 13:56:53.973 no IPv6 interfaces found
> Oct 24 13:56:53.973 listening on IPv4 interface eth0:5,
> Oct 24 13:56:53.975 peer.c:87: REQUIRE(*list != ((void *)0)) failed
> Oct 24 13:56:53.975 exiting (due to assertion failure)
> Aborted (core dumped)
> I've been at my wits' end and I hope some could help me.
> Best regards,
> Holger
> --
> Holger Nowak
> Junior Projektmanager
> Datenmanagement | Programmierung
> > psychonomics AG
> > Berrenrather Str. 154-156
> > D-50937 Köln
> > T +49 (0) 221 42061-346
> > F +49 (0) 221 42061-100
> > www.psychonomics.de
> -------------------
> Neuer "psychonomics Kundenmonitor Banken" ab Ende September 2006
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