On Tue, Jan 02, 2007 at 03:47:35AM +0100, Daniel Hokka Zakrisson wrote:
> >>Could somebody tell me how to modify the guest config to execute "echo
> for this particular problem. Having a non-executable one that does 
> something like
> VSERVER_EXTRA_CMDS=( $_CHAINECHO /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax 134217728 )
> is probably the only way to make it happen (with current tools).

I am just running into this very same problem. However, if the above
is a solution I don't understand it.
So far I tried adding this line to prepre-start and making
prepre-start executable as well as just setting this as an environment
variable before calling the vserver start.
Both ways result in just no shmmax changed.
For another attempt I added to vserver.start above the
$_CHAINECHO /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax 134217728 -- \

unfortunately this stops the vserver from starting and I actually
don't understand what parameters would be correct for the chain-echo.

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